Best way to wait for zwave?

What is the best practice if you have apps that listen to and get states from zwave entities to have those apps wait until your zwave network is up?

I know there is a method to make [all the apps wait]( ,but what if I just want certain apps or certain parts of the app to wait until the entity is available?

Maybe try: except: or including the default= option in the self.get_state() ?

I just feel like I must be missing something that works really well without stopping my whole plugin.

Well, not sure about appdaemon, do not use it. For native automations I use input_boolean flag in conditions, that is set to on when zwave network is ready to be used. Perhaps this concept can be reused:

# Input boolean definition
    name: Z-Wave Network Active
    initial: off   # set to off when HA is restarted
    icon: mdi:z-wave

# Set Z-Wave Network  flag to active when network ready
  - id: 'set_zwave_flag'
    alias: Set ZWave Flag
    initial_state: true
      platform: event
      event_type: zwave.network_ready
      - service: input_boolean.turn_on
          entity_id: input_boolean.zwave_active

# sample automation that refreshes node value, only once network is ready
  - id: 'refreshing_car_sensors'
    alias: Refreshing Car Presence Sensor
    initial_state: True
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: '/10'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.zwave_active
        state: 'on'
      - service: zwave.refresh_node_value
          node_id: 32
          value_id: "72057594579796210"
      - service: zwave.refresh_node_value
          node_id: 32
          value_id: "144115188617724146"