Best Z-wave stick and platform

I’m moving from an all-Insteon setup to HA, so I can take advantage of other non-Insteon technology, without losing my investment in Insteon. I initially installed HA on a Pi4 I had already, and bought a Zooz ZST10, and some Zwave dimmers and other devices. I like the platform overall, but have had some stability issues, and never intended the Pi4 as my permanent platform.

From what I’ve read, SD card will eventually fail, and if I want a long-term solution I should move away from it. I also see that ODroid-N2+ with eMMC is the HA recommended platform. I ordered the ODroid-N2+ HA bundle, and will set it up this week.

I want to make sure the Zooz ZST10 is the right stick. Would I be better with the Aeotec Gen5+? I see the Zoos is ZWave 700, but I’m not sure how important that is.

My biggest priority is stability. I don’t want my family getting frustrated when scene controllers fail or automations fail. For me stability trumps features/cutting edge.

Before I restart on the ODroid, any thoughts on:
A) is the ODroid-N2+ a good platform? I could use an existing Windows PC, but it’s in the corner of the basement, and wouldn’t be a good location for the ZWave stick. I like the idea of a small self-contained device I can put in a spare bedroom central to the house.
B) Is the Zooz a good ZWave stick, or should I swap to the Aeotec Gen 5+?

Thanks for any advice,

I use a Sigma Designs stick. Before aeotec but had many problems with it .

This stick I use now without any problem:

A Z-Wave 700 series is more future-proof then the older Z-Wave gen 5 series. So no reason to buy another one.

Thanks to both of you for your replies. I’ll stick with my Zooz, and use it with my ODroid N2+ once it arrives.

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