I’m running Hass.io and was thinking about a Zigbee Network.
Atm I have 10 Hue Bulbs, 4 Heu Dimming Switches, 13 Tradfri Bulbs, 2 Tradfri Remotes and 8+ Aqara Sensors.
That includes thu Hue Hub, the Tradfri Hub and the Aqara HomeKit HUB(This Hub isn’t HA compatible atm :/) so some of my Automations are managed by
Now I want everything clean in HA. I thought about buying an older compatible Aqara Miija Hub to get the missing Sensors into HA.
Then I stumbled about Zigbee and that it could replace all my Hubs.
This would be awesome, especially once a month the Tradfri Hub crashes and needs a restart.
Now my big question is: Are there any disadvantages? The only one I have in mind is, that I can’t update the Firmware of Bulbs and Sensors anymore without their official Hubs?
And I’m not sure to go with zigbee2Mqtt or deConz?
I’m already running Mosquitto mqtt for some Tasmota flashed Sonoff.
Do I need to run special Software for deConz? Is zigbee2Mqtt just a component that works?
Referencing to this thread I prefer the Advantages of zigbeed2Mqtt:
One disadvantage for me would be coupling Hue stuff to a different Hub. I couldn’t live without the Hue app and Entertainment feature. I also think triggering things like the lights and the remote control via the Hue system is far more solid, fast and reliable.
But you could couple the Aqara stuff and Tradfri remotes via deConz for sure. That would work great. I’d add the Tradfri bulbs to the Hue app.
deConz has my preference, I think it’s just a more solid and stable solution. You just buy the hardware and run the software and you’re ‘done’. I think zigbee2mqtt is great too, but I think there can be many things that can break if not configured properly since it’s more diy.
Your miles may vary with both, and this is only my opinion.
I’m not sure. I’ve only used the default Hue app. But according to the owner it should work as normal. No performance as far as i can remember.
To be clear I moved systems a while ago and I didn’t needed this anymore, so I’m not using it at the moment.
deCONZ work with the Hue app except for the entertainment feature.
The Choice should be between deCONZ and ZHA. ZHA also supports the Conbee stick that you use for deCONZ so you can try them both out and decide for yourself
Last weekend I finaly found the time try the Conbee 2. Installation and setup was super easy and it just worked. Except to get to the WEB UI with an SSL.
After one day the sensors gone offline and the work started…
First I updated HA, but still offline. Then I wanted to make a firmware update on the Conbee 2, but that’s not so easy…
First, it looks like the update Firmware Button in the WEB UI doesn’t work with HASS.io
My Windows PCs won’t recognize the Conbee even with the Driver…
You can’t update it with a Mac, so with a VM and Ubuntu I was able to update the Firmware of the Conbee 2.
Readded all the Sensors and now it looks and feels pretty solid.
Just in case i also ordered an USB-Extension cable for less troubleshooting in the future.
Yeah, but I think it was the right decision to go with Conbee 2 and deConz.
Exactly the same issue I had (Went to github for help where several people spotted various issues with pages I linked to for help being out of date). I’m glad it wasn’t just me that had issues after the initial brilliant setup. However it is rock solid now and still happy with my choice.
Hello every body
It’s very simple to add aqara with zigbee conbee II. I have at home Hue, Tridfari , aqara, sonoff, netatmo, … connected to my home assitant and it works fine. I have just a problem with Homekit : netatmo and sonoff a always added in homekit but aqara is some times integrate some one when i test new extensions (device_tracker netgear, device_tracker tile, new sensor from plateform for exemple) the integration with homekit doesn’t work for aqara. I remove the new extension from configuration.yaml and aqara come back !!!
For the moment i don’t explain how to …