I’ve used several zigbee wallplugs and even wifi ones. The wifi one is usually reliable and works all the time. However my Zigbees some times lose the connection and doesn’t work at all. I’m using Zigbee2Mqtt with the Sonoff E-dongle.
Can you list your best Zigbee wallplugs that has been working perfectly for you?
Honestly, i only had problems with zigbee devices disconnecting only when i had the receiver too close to other devices emitting radios, once i moved the skyconnect away no disconnections at all.
I have a osram smart plug+, that works, but i found out these to be even better
As some others here, I suspect this is due to the local quality of your Zigbee network at the location of the plug. So you’ve used ‘several’ zigbee plugs. Which ones? And did you use them at the same location or in different places. How many other routers are in your network and how far away are they from the plug?
Thanks for all the replies.
I’m running zigbee on channel 11. And I had the dongle connected directly to the raspberry pi. So now I’ve got a usb extender for the dongle and moved it further away from all the wifi router/raspberry etc. So we’ll se if that made any improvement
If that doesn’t work I will try to change channel.
I’m using the wallplugs from aliexpress, different brands I believe. I will dig more into it when I get back home
Easy solution for me was to switch to wifi (esphome) devices and completely abandoned ZigBee. Since then everything works a treat without any hick ups at all.