Beta for Hysen thermostats powered by broadlink

Yep. It’s a mess. It’s gonna take a while.

I don’t care about broadlink.
I’m talking directly with the device, not through broadlink lib.

For anyone still using my version of the hysen controller I fixed it for >0.96,

There is an issue with Alexa setting the mode to Auto which is a HA error in the alexa code which I have reported but the everything else is working I think.

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this working for me in the 0.96.2 version.
but one question:
Can you give an example of an automation of “on” “heat”, “off” and set temperature?
the previous automations do not work:
My automation:


  alias: CALEFACCION_ON_1450
    platform: time
    at: '14:50:00'
    - service: climate.set_operation_mode
      entity_id: climate.termostato_casa
        operation_mode: 'heat'
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: climate.termostato_casa
        temperature: 23 

    platform: time
    at: '21:00:00'
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.termostato_casa
      temperature: 5
      operation_mode: off

@Cress you need to replace operation mode with
and data with
hvac_mode ‘heat’

Hi. I have installed 0.96.3. It does not give me any error when verifying the configuration, but when restarting does not work. That could be happening?

@Oscar_Arpa, sorry but which version are you using mairas/hysen ? or uss version?

I’m using mairas. The last version.

I just saw that there was a modification an hour ago. I try to see if this version is worth it.

Got. Now to perform automations. :crazy_face:

Can anyone confirm witch version currently works on 0.96.5 marias/hysen or uss version?

mairas version working on 96.5

guys I red that it works with room heat app but i have smart heating app (both by hysen) would it work ?

This code does not rely on the heating apps provided so if your thermostat in a hysen one it should work

Nothing happened I put my mac and IP in DHCP I reconnected my thermostat onto my router and all it says its unknown i have smart heating app and nothing happens in auto override , external sensor temp , heating demand , house temperature and keypad lock switch , any ideas?

anyone here?

Hi sorry, don’t know what you are trying to do. Have you got the thermostat connected and controllable by the supplied smart heating app? or are you trying to control it with HA?

Im trying to do it with the supplied apk but nothing happens all the stats are unavailable my app is smart heating which it was the previous smart app before room heat so i dont know if this will work with that app unless if i make my own component which i dont know how

Hi, any update for your component? I am stack on 0,95 version cause i use your component with Hysen HY03AC-4, and works great!

ποιο app χρησιμοποιει ?

I dont know what steps i need to follow in order to make it work aside from the yaml files although i red the instructions i cant make any sense