Beta testers for LOCAL control of Cync by GE devices (must have 1 wifi device)

I have been having a hell of a time trying to get reliable and local only control of Cync by GE smart devices. I took it upon myself to fork and port a local lan controller node app to python and add MQTT control and Hass autodiscovery.

The caveat is this requires DNS redirection. You will need to redirect 1 or all devices from the cync cloud server to a local IP that is running the cync-lan python app.

This requires that you have at least 1 wifi device to act as abridge to the BT mesh for now. In the future I may add BT support. BT only devices can be controlled by a wifi device.

You will have to export devices from cync cloud using the script and then run the script with the exported config. Follow the instructions in the README.

Please beta test and open issues!

The DNS redirect is clever, is this a common technique to gain local control of smart devices? It would kinda be cool to have a home assistant plugin that was based around this entirely, with a database of known smart device servers that you could add to essentially a local dns hosts list to convert any non local device to being locally controlled. Are there any reasons that that wouldn’t work universally? (I would imagine a lot of devices require some sort of encryption or https, so I’m guessing that would get in the way of some compatibility).

Either way I’ll take a look at this, I’ve got a couple of GE Cync lights in the house.

Yes and no. Like you said, most devices use HTTPS, as well as cync. The thing is, cync doesn’t verify the cert, which allows us to MITM traffic to study the binary protocol. If a device does verify certs, there isn’t anything we can do.

A generic DNS redirected server wouldn’t be realistic. Each company has their own binary protocol and such. Not a lot of people take the time to reverse engineer these IoT devices.