Better ESP32 board for domotic?

for a project in development I would like to put an esp32 in every room of my house.
Connected to esp32 there will be:

  • dimmable lights
  • thermostatic valves
    -temperature sensor
    -motion sensor

I have to choose the esp32 card and ask for advice, according to you which is the best esp32 card of all?
What features are most important?

Better a board with 8MB PSRAM like this

or better a board with dual core like this


Even this board would do what you want:

I don’t think esphome use the dual core right?

esphome uses psram?
can a card with additional psram be useful?

I honestly don’t know. All I know is that for the tasks you have outlined even the most basic ESP32 board should do the job.

What makes you think that?

seemed to have read it in the issues of github