Better icon for open/closed door than mdi? Any alternative iconography sets in general?

A bit of an atypical question but I find the material design open/closed/standard door icons to be lacking. They look quite small and odd. Any recommendations for alternate iconography libraries?

Sorry if I hijack your thread a bit, but I am looking for all kind of icons too and would love to turn this into a thread of icon sets of all kinds.

Current I habe only installed Hass Hue Icons and Hass Simple Icons, and then I have made my own set, which is just arrows pointing in different directions equal to compass headings, like NE and SW and so on, which I use for wind direction.

Thomas Loven also made an integration that can load icons from FontAwesome.

I have also found the following sets.
Hass Bha icons
Matt Freyer’s Hass Custom Icons
Home Assistent Cupertino Icons


not at all – this is amazing, i’m getting some of those myself!
actually it would be great if there could be kind of like a ‘market place’ addon for icon sets though we already have HACS. Perhaps an icon-set integration within HACS that itself has the ability to give you many icon sets and people just add more there.

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In addition to @WallyR’s list, check out these…