Better logs

Any way to get better logs that will tell us what user turned on the lights, or if it got turned on by Node Red or whatever other place?
My lights turn on randomly and I am unable track down as to what the issue is even after disabling motion sensors.

Should be in the sidebar already. Although it won’t pick up node red things that are skipping around home assistant nodes. e.g. using nodered to mqtt directly, instead of a call service via home assistant.

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I know where it is located; the issue is not that I can’t find where it is located but rather that it isn’t useful.
It doesn’t tell me why my lights turned on when they shouldn’t have turned on.

Useful in what sense? it can’t tell you something it isn’t aware of.
eg. HA doesn’t know what happened to my light when I turn it off via the hardwired switch because the switch is not a smart switch.
What is your logbook saying when the lights turn on.

as aside I pointed you to the logbook as your original post was ambiguous as whether you meant the logs or the logbook.

No one touches the switch, someone comes and tells me my lights are on; I check the logs but all it says is that the lights went on but it doesn’t say if node red turned them on or they turned on for another reason…
Also don’t see my user name next to it so I know if it was me or another user…

It hasn’t happened again for a while so I’m hoping it got fixed with an update but if it happens again I’ll try to share an image of the log book.

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I’m gonna be that guy…

You are requesting a feature that already exists, without going into any depth as to what has occurred that is making the existing feature fail. It doesn’t look like you have tried to troubleshoot the issue on the forums. So it would be difficult to define what needs improvement.

You have a light controlled by nodered and motion sensors(via nodered?). That is turning on by random. What’s the improvement that the logbook needs?

What’s the configuration you have and are trying to troubleshoot, would be a better place to start in a separate topic. Is it all controlled by nodered…

Just my two cents.