Hey there
I started using the Better Thermostate Addon.
But Im a bit confused with the settings.
I have to choose a calibration type. Documentation sais there is:
“target temperature based” and “offset based”.
I dont understand the difference, but the offset setting is recommendet.
But I cant choose anything there. The only choice I have is target temperatur based.
Is there something wrong here? Or do my TVRs not support this?
I use different Homematic IP ones.
Offset means that when your thermometer measures 17 degress and a the target temperature is set to 18 then the thermostat at the radiator will show the same.
This can’t be done in Better Thermostate with Homematic IP devices. Homematic IP devices have this feature builtin with their own thermometers only.
Target means that when your thermometer measures 17 degress and a the target temperature is set to 18 then the thermostat might measure 18 and the target will then be set to some higher value decided by Better Thermostate to increase the temperature at the thermometer to the desired level.
If you use Homematic thermometers and they are not linked in the CCU, then it will be a target calibration state.
If they are linked, then I have no clue how that affect Better Thermostate.
Thanks for your explanation.
Im using Raspberrymatic (without any settings made here - only device paired and name changed) and my thermometers are AqaraHT.
So its not a bug I got here, but usual behaviour, because my Homematic IP devices dont got this feature.
I know understand whats (technically) the difference between the two calibration types.
But can you tell me why the offset calibration is better?
So if its maybe worth considering getting new TVRs?
Only way Offset is better is that you can use the controls on the thermostats to control set the desired temperature.
With Target the temperature will show the target temperature that the thermostat have to hit in order to reach the desired temperature. The target temperature will typically be some degrees higher than the desired temperature, because the thermometer built into the thermostats will be affected by the radiators heat upon which it is mounted.
So it is just the lack of ability to use the manual control on the thermostats that is lost.
Thats something I can life with
Do you know how long it takes until the callibration of a new Better Thermostat Setup works?
Ive been using it for About 2 weeks now and in most Rooms I lowered the BT Target Temperatur at 1 or 1.5 degrees because its way hotter (0.5 - 1.5°) than I did set the target-
I do not.
I do not use that integration, because I already had made my own logic when it came out.
So Ill wait. Maybe some1 else can help me here. Or maybe @KartoffelToby is watching here :o)
So far really thanks alot for your help!
Calibration should be pretty much instantaneous. Although my setup is different as soon as I complete the configuration for a TRV it calibrates to a temperature sensor I have across the room straight away.
There should be no real calibration, but the code will probably overshoot a bit, then undershoot a bit and then overshoot a bit less and so on.
This will occur every time the room needs to be heated several degrees and it caused by the fact that the TRVs can often only be adjusted in steps of .5 or 1 degree and the radiators have a inertia in them.
Mine settle within the hour after having passed the target temperature even after having made a temperature change of more than 5 degrees.