Big big issue entity not show in os automation actions

Error running action

must contain at least one of entity_id, device_id, area_id… Got {‘type’: ‘execute_script’, ‘sequence’: [{‘service’: ‘time.set_value’, ‘data’: {‘time’: ‘09:00:00’}, ‘enabled’: True}], ‘id’: 1635}

I can’t add entity even though they shown under entities page not showing in automation blue print

need help and advise latest os and core

If you are looking for a way to create a similar entity, please take a look at the Date/Time helper.

Along the same line as Bill’s answer above…

Make sure the entity you are trying to set is actually a time entity, and not an Input datetime helper. Though their output can be the same, they require the use of different service calls to set their values, i.e. time.set_value vs. input_datetime.set_datetime.

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