Big icon to visualize the status from my Mailbox

Dear all

In my opinion I have a simple wish. Unfortunately I can’t find a solution.

With ESPHome I send a value (weight sensor) and depending on it also a state (true, false).

My wish is it to visualize the status with a big icon.

Thank you for any help.

What does your card look like at the moment?

You could create a template that conditionally sets the icon based on the states and/or attributes of the entity you want the information from. You could also install a Button Card (you can get it on HACS) that allows you to set the conditions right in the Lovelace code:

type: 'custom:button-card'
  action: more-info
entity: sensor.my_esp32
name: ESP Download Direction
show_state: true
  - value: downloading
    color: 'rgb(51, 255, 51)'
    icon: 'mdi:arrow-left-bold'
  - value: uploading
    color: 'rgb(255, 25, 25)'
    icon: 'mdi:arrow-right-bold'
  - value: up_down
    color: 'rgb(0, 68, 204)'
    icon: 'mdi:arrow-left-right-bold'

Thank you @CO_4X4!

This is exactly what I was looking for.

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