Big Number Card- Severity colors?

Are there only four colors available- Red, Green, Yellow and Blue?

      - value: 70
        bnStyle: var(--label-badge-yellow)
      - value: 170
        bnStyle: var(--label-badge-green)
      - value: 300
        bnStyle: var(--label-badge-red)
  - type: entities

When you can use var values, then you can usually also use normal color definitions, like orange, black, white and so on, and maybe also RGB colors, like #FF00FF

Test to see if that is the case here too.

If it isn’t red, yellow or green, then everything else becomes blue.

And you replace var(–label-bagde-red) with just orange?

Changing var(–label-badge-red) with var(–label-badge-orange), or violet or gray or any other web-safe color does not render.

You are using the CSS values when you write var()
Just write orange only

Var() values can be used to get the values HA use as standard and these values might also change when changing themes, so if you use these then you colours will change when HA theme is changed.

Just writing orange makes it static.

Thanks- that’s it.
Shows how little I know of CSS.