Big problem with Shelly 1 and Shelly dimmer

Hi, I have many Shellys, commanding lights that are behaving funny.
Sometimes they work as expected
Sometimes you turn on the light in HA and the entity goes unavailable for few seconds and then comes back available (but the command on/off or off/on is NOT executed.

They do work well on the Shelly app

See the video

If you turn it on/off via Shelly web interface, does HA react to the state? Can you turn it on/off?
Are you using the core integration, custom component or MQTT?
Have you tried to reset the Shelly?
Have you tried to set the device up new in HA?
Do you have unicast with HA as peer enabled in Shelly developer settings?
Do the Shellys have good WiFi signal?
Do you have a unusual network setup?
Newest firmware?

If you turn it on/off via Shelly web interface, does HA react to the state? Can you turn it on/off?


Are you using the core integration, custom component or MQTT?


Have you tried to reset the Shelly?


Have you tried to set the device up new in HA?


Do you have unicast with HA as peer enabled in Shelly developer settings?

YES IP:5683

Do the Shellys have good WiFi signal?


Do you have a unusual network setup?


Newest firmware?


Is it all devices or just some?
If it’s just some delete them and set them up new.

WHat is also happening is that the WEB SERVER (access to each device with IP) is not reachable … but they are still reachable from the Shelly app

p.s.YES I do have static IP, I am sure about the address

when I reboot the shelly (from the shelly android app) then they work, but after a while the problems comres back

That sounds like a network problem.
I had a similar issue once. I forced the device to reconnect on my router and it worked again.

How did you do this?

If you have a UniFi setup I can tell you (basically just go to the device in Cloud Controller and click Reconnect).
If not, you need to find out yourself :wink:

I have Unifi, tried that, did not solve

perhaps shellyforhass works better then core integration?

I’d try MQTT if I were you.

I can , but many says that if its a WiFi problem MQTT is not changing things

It might be a bit of a hassle, but if you want to know for sure if it’s a network/wifi problem, you could set up something like Nagios and monitor the Shelly devices for a while. I run NEMS on a Raspberry Pi and monitoring my Shellys works great.

Good to know.

So far the problem seems solved.

I crerated a new SSID (same LAN as Home Assistant) on which I make connect ONLY the Shelly (around 15), and I put the DMIT to 1 (not sure what that is). Of course all the Shelly have the congfiguration CAST as per Home Assistant instruction (IP:5683)

and now no problem, I hope it last

Good to hear things have improved.

Since you are using Unifi, what device/AP firmware?

UI Communities are ripe with IOT device discussions in Early Access threads. Some firmware is better than others in that regard.

It is still a good idea to monitor each device as suggested. Then you will have a record of any impact when firmware changes.

ACPRO, UDMPro, nanoHD, U6LR and U6 Lite, all updated firmware as of today. Never used Early Access firmware