Bigger Input_Text

Hello all
I have an input_text where I can enter a text that my google home should speak. That input_text is although very small. Is there some possibility to get a bigger input box? It’s not about the character limit of 255 but about the visual size of the box which is very cumbersome to use if I use a sentence with more than 3 words.
Thanks for your help

for what it’s worth. I was looking for the same thing and I turned up empty handed. I didn’t look hard though as I usually only use it to shit talk people from other rooms.

I use it to say commands to my children. They listen better to “Miss Google” than they do to me or my wife :wink:
Will see if I can do a custom card for that.

A custom card has been on my plate for a while, but I don’t know CSS or JS off the top of my head. Part of the reason I haven’t pulled the trigger. Just don’t have the time to learn 2 languages atm. It should be very easy, but in a perfect world, it would emulate the entities card with a larger text box. Or it would be a stand alone card that emulates the markdown card as a text input.