Bigtimer Node Red help

Looking for some help or someone to point me in the right direction. I recently just started using Nodered and would like to move all my home automations from Apple Home to Nodered. Having a hard time wrapping my head around on thing. I have lights and switches on my first floor that needs automation written and if possible, would like to put them in one flow. I tired with bigtimer but ran into an issue with having more than one bigtimer in the flow, it still runs the no condition if the light is off and will shut off the light even though it should be on for the step above it. Good example would be what I have written for floor lamp 1. It will turn on at 4:30 am because it meets the time but then when it hits the bigtimer below it to check for sunset, it will shut the light off.

Floor lamp 1, needs the following schedule

At 4:30 AM, light need to turn on and shut off at sunrise.
At sunset, light needs to turn on and shut off at 9:00 pm.
Candle light switch

Turn on at sunset and turn off at sunrise.
If it’s Christmas Eve Day or Christmas Day, keep lights on.
Outside light switch

Turn on at 5:00 AM and turn off at sunrise.
Turn on a sunset and turn off at 9:00 pm