Binary_sensor as person

Hi experts,

I want to add my cats like person-badges to my HA-Lovelace.
The CatFlap gives me binary signals to tell me if they are at home or not.
Unfortunately I can only add device_tracker as persons.

Is there a workaround available?

You can use “device_tracker.see” in order to create a device_tracker entity in an automation.

Or you could use a MQTT device_tracker:

Just landed here looking to do the same with my Sure Petcare flap - would like to have the cats show as person badges (showing home / away as relevant)

Did you find a way to do it?

Both version above still work for creating a device_tracker of a binary_sensor.
There is a third one, composite device tracker:

(you can use it with a single binary_sensor also)

In advance to device_tracker.see it survives a restart of homeassistant.