Binary_sensor Entity-filter incorrect filter config

When trying to setup a quick view of some mutually exclusive binary sensors the entity-filter card keeps showing ‘incorrect filter config.’ any ideas?

- type: entity-filter
          - binary_sensor.high_day_flag
          - binary_sensor.low_day_flag
          - binary_sensor.low_night_flag
          - binary_sensor.high_night_flag
          - binary_sensor.high_alert
          - binary_sensor.hnorm_alert
          - binary_sensor.low_alert
          - binary_sensor.lnorm_alert
          - binary_sensor.norm_alert
          - binary_sensor.inside_cool_alert
          - binary_sensor.inside_warm_alert
          - binary_sensor.sun_up
          - binary_sensor.sun_down
        state-filter: 'on'

You use a wrong indent. Try this:

- type: entity-filter
      - binary_sensor.high_day_flag
      - binary_sensor.low_day_flag
      - binary_sensor.low_night_flag
      - binary_sensor.high_night_flag
      - binary_sensor.high_alert
      - binary_sensor.hnorm_alert
      - binary_sensor.low_alert
      - binary_sensor.lnorm_alert
      - binary_sensor.norm_alert
      - binary_sensor.inside_cool_alert
      - binary_sensor.inside_warm_alert
      - binary_sensor.sun_up
      - binary_sensor.sun_down
  state-filter: 'on'

Thanks Ted, but that was a copy error in the post, the indent that you have shown is the indent in my yaml file.

There was another post about the entity-filter having this error for other types of entities, does anyone have it working?

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