Binary sensor fail since last update


Since 3rd of July (probably one of the latest update) the binary sensors like this are not working. Any idea how to fix it?

platform: template
        friendly_name: "Konyha 26°C Felett - Trigger"
        device_class: heat
        value_template: >
          {% set value = states('sensor.konyha_temp_temperature') | float %}
          {{ value > 26 }}

Thank you

Be more precise in what “not working” means to you, please.
We are not in your head nor in front of your HA :wink:

First thing to check:

{{ states('sensor.konyha_temp_temperature')  }}

in the template debugger

Sorry, I mean since 3rd of April the sensor state is unknown

But is seems the problem with those Sonoff temp sensors which are these templates based on… these Sonoff/ Zigbee things are not the most stable ones…

So, I think this is some kind of MQTT issue or something with the historical database… some of the sensors lost the history since 3rd of July, but the actual values are shown…

So, it seems the actual value/update time is shown but not the history/statistics. What’s this? Is this something broken by the update?


Seems the problem related to the iCloud3 integration. Disabled and now everything is fine