Binary Sensor from School Calendar

I have a calendar, calendar.town_schools, in Home Assistant. Every event on the calendar is an all day event lasting one or more days. For the purposes of this sensor, I only care about events with the titles:

  • No School
  • Last Day of School
  • First Day of School

I want a school_day binary sensor with the following logic:

  • If it’s a weekend then the sensor is off
  • If there’s a “No School” event, the sensor is off
  • If the current date is > Last Day of School this year and < First Day of School this year, the sensor is off (for summer vacation)
  • Otherwise, the sensor is on.

The calendar, which I import from the school district, does not explicitly list summer vacation days or weekends as having “No School” and I’d very much like to avoid explicitly adding that.

I see examples of how to handle "if today has this specific event, turn the sensor on`, but can’t figure out how to handle the detection of summer vacation.

Any pointers?

I’ve got the beginnings of this, but still stumped on how to make summer vacation detection work:

{% if now().isoweekday() > 5 %}
{% elif is_state_attr("calendar.town_public_schools", "message", "No School") %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

Still reading up on lots of things but if anyone has any pointers, it would be appreciated!

I would use a trigger-based template binary sensor or an automation that sets an input boolean helper. Either would be triggered by the Calendar events from `calendar.town_schools’ and conditioned on the event summary… The most basic version of each would be configured as follows:

Template Binary Sensor Example
  - trigger:
      - trigger: calendar
        event: start
        entity_id: calendar.town_schools
      - condition: template
        value_template: |
          {{trigger.calendar_event.summary in ['Last Day of School','First Day of School']}}
      - name: Summer Break
        state: "{{ trigger.calendar_event.summary == 'Last Day of School' }}"
Input Boolean Example
  - trigger: calendar
    event: start
    entity_id: calendar.town_schools
  - condition: template
    value_template: |
      {{ trigger.calendar_event.summary in ['Last Day of School', 'First Day of School'] }}
  - action: input_boolean.turn_{{ 'on' if trigger.calendar_event.summary == 'Last Day of School' else 'off'}}
      - entity_id: input_boolean.summer_break

Then your template could be something like:

{% set weekend = now().isoweekday() > 5 %}
{% set holiday = is_state_attr("calendar.town_public_schools", "message", "No School") %}
{% set summer = is_state('binary_sensor.summer_break', 'on') %}
{{ not (weekend or holiday or summer) }}
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