Binary Sensor Group Helper: behavior of "All Entities" in "Group Options"

If you look at the device class of the binary sensor ON is always a sort of an UNSAFE situation. If a binary sensor is part of a Binary Sensor Group Helper and becomes unavailable the Binary Sensor Group Helper should be considered as an ON=UNSAFE situation.

At the moment this is considered as a SAFE/OK due to the behavior of “All Entities” in “Group Options”

Present Behavior:

If “all entities” is enabled, the group’s state is on only if all members are on.
If “all entities” is disabled, the group’s state is on if ANY member is ON.

I would like to propose the following minor change:

If “all entities” is enabled, the group’s state is on only if all members are on.
If “all entities” is disabled, the group’s state is off only if ALL member are OFF.

With this change the Binary Sensor Group Helper becomes ON=UNSAFE when the status of all members can not be verified as OFF,

We can most likely solve this in the legacy textual YAML file style with a template binary sensor like a variation of the example in this topic from @pin7of9 but think the way forward is utilising the UI.

Hope you will vote for this.

Sorry but this FR doesn’t make sense.

Any on = on is logically identical to all off = off.

True when you expect that all binary_sensors in your group will always have a value “ON” or “OFF”! But we are not living in a perfect sensor world and a sensor can also become “Unknown” or “Unavailable” for various reasons; WiFi, battery, tampering, reloading Template Entities, etc

And we need to decide what to do when an underlying binary sensors become “Unknown” or “Unavailable”. Should this result for the “Binary Sensor Group Helper” in a “SAFE” or “UNSAFE” situation?

For me this is clear: How can you determine it is “SAFE” situation when you do not have knowledge of all binary_sensors? So we need to check that ALL member are OFF.

You’re still not making any sense to me.

ALL Off is logically equivalent to ANY On. If nothing is On (Any on), then everything is off.

This has nothing to do with things being unavailable or not. If you want information about the entities being unavailable, you should adjust your phrasing to make more sense in regards to this feature request.

Safe and Unsafe are not concepts in Home Assistant. So none of that jargon really makes any sense here.

The statement “If nothing is On (Any on), then everything is off.” is not always a correct statement however the statement “if everything is off (ALL OFF), then nothing is On” is always a correct statement.

The UNSAFE and SAFE comes from the device class = safety; I used this class in a small sunscreen project where conditions like wind, rain, lux are translated into a binary sensor were ON equals UNSAFE & CLOSE and OFF equals SAFE & OPEN. These binary sensors are grouped into a Binary Sensor Group Helper. This will simplify an automation.

And this is where you’re logically incorrect. Please explain a situation where if nothing is on would not mean everything is off?

Keep in mind that binary_sensor groups ignore unavailable states, so their state is not included in this situation.

No my thread but I think I have a way to explain it with a few examples:
You have binary sensors named A, B and C respectively and a group with all three.

A B C Group Type Group Result
on on off ANY ON on
off off off ANY ON off
on on off ALL OFF logic instead of any on but with inverted output on
off off off ALL OFF logic instead of any on but with inverted output off
off UNAVAILABLE off ALL OFF logic instead of any on but with inverted output SOME OTHER STATE

No… As I said above

So the table would be…

A B C Group Type Group Result
on on off ANY ON on
off off off ANY ON off
off unavailable off ANY ON off
on on off ALL OFF on
off off off ALL OFF off
off unavailable off ALL OFF off

If you want to incorporate unavailable into groups, the the feature request should be about that. Not about this any on/all off conversation that is going on.

If you incorporated unavailable into groups, the table would look like this for any on and all off…

A B C Group Type Group Result
on on off ANY ON on
off off off ANY ON off
off unavailable off ANY ON unavailable
on on off ALL OFF on
off off off ALL OFF off
off unavailable off ALL OFF unavailable

and because it’s a binary sensor (meaing 2 states), your only options are on, off, and unavailable/unknown. A 3rd state will not be an option because it does not exist for the binary_sesnor domain/platform.


@petro think my proposal should have been better when I go one step higher in the if-then-else chain which is formulated in the documentation:

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if all group members are unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is on if at least one group member is on.
  • Otherwise, the group state is off.

Proposed change:

  • The group state is unavailable if all group members are unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is unknown if at least one group member is unknown or unavailable.
  • Otherwise, the group state is on if at least one group member is on.
  • Otherwise, the group state is off.

The argument is that the status of a group can only be set correctly when the status of ALL group members is known.

The complete table would look like:

A B C Group Type Group Result
unavailable unavailable unavailable ANY ON unavailable
unknown unavailable unavailable ANY ON unknown
on on off ANY ON on
off off off ANY ON off
off unavailable off ANY ON unknown *
on unavailable off ANY ON unknown *

Great, I recommend you change your FR to have that information then. Your initial post is not clear at all.

Sorry, but this doesn’t make sense to me.

Imagine having a light group consisting of all lights in the house (a pretty common scenario). Now imagine one of of those lights is a bit flaky (at the very edge of a zigbee mesh or uses an unreliable Tuya cloud connection).

Imagine also a very common scenario where you have an automation which turns all lights off when you leave the house or go to sleep.

Current behaviour: All lights turn off except the one which is unavailable.

Your proposed behaviour: None of the lights turn off.

I’m no expert, but if this FR is implemented, it would cause an uproar as people would have to segment their groups according to integration at the very least. Worst case scenario, it would make groups so unreliable that users would be discouraged from using them.


Neither am I but T&E can already give the answer (tested with the group option - all entities = on):

  • This proposal will only give better information of the group; if one of the sensors is flaky it will “show” also on your dashboard.
  • if one sensor is flaky you can still turn the group off and on in a automation (but the toggle option is not available, this is correct because the definition is Toggles one or more lights, from on to off, or, off to on, based on their current state, because the current situation of the group is “unknown” it is clueless what to do)
  • if the situation your group sensor itself is an extra condition (under “And if (optional)”) and you experience flaky sensors you need to add “unknown” to this condition or improve the situation of this sensor.
  • you will still be able to toggle this group on your dashboard.

So I dare to say, after some testing, that the statement " Your proposed behaviour: None of the lights turn off." is not correct, it will work (unless you try to toggle in an automation). It will give even more information so you might want to take sooner action on a flaky situation like improve your Zigbee mesh network or avoid Tuya cloud connection (I have working some Tuya products fine under zigbee2mqtt).

Meaning it does not work, unless you use a dashboard. I never look at a dashboard, home automation should work without ever looking at a dashboard.


This would be a massive breaking change and would likely never make it’s way into core. Especially when you can make a template entity behave this way. Groups are typically rigid and are meant for a general audience, not one-off cases. That’s what templates are for.

Outside that, OP has yet to make the original post clearer, which makes this even less likely for the community to vote for it.

Ok, no problem to solve it with a template but …

The following question remains:

If the group members are either “OFF” or (1 at least) “UNAVALABLE” / “UNKOWN” can we tell for sure that the group sensor should be “OFF” or its class equivalent: closed, locked?

It seem to me when I read the RTFM again and again we realised this is not correct and solutions were already implemented for:

Media player groups: Otherwise, the group state is on if at least one group member is not off, unavailable or unknown.

Sensor groups: If ignore_non_numeric is false then group state will be unavailable if one member is unavailable or does not have a numeric state.

Most likely my FR should have taken this kind of angle, but to be honest I was not expecting to find it under integrations.

Just to be complete: In case you want to include unavailable group members so they will also result in the group sensor status “ON” in stead off “OFF” you need to create the following template sensor in the UI:

{{ expand('binary_sensor.sunscreen_criteria_group') | selectattr('state', 'in', ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'none', 'on']) | list | count  > 0 }}

Thanks to @123 for her/his original solution, I only added ‘on’ to it.
BTW If you create this template sensor in the UI it is way more flexible (and provide more information) than if done in a file.

Not sure what is your definition of “flexible” but the UI only provides a subset of all the available features.

It lacks

  • availability
  • attributes
  • icon
  • etc

Template Entities - Configuration Variables

@123 you are completely right there are more variables to tweak a template sensor inside a YAML file so I should have said “ease of configuration for NOOBS like me”
Because it is a binary sensor I have no need for additional variables and I wanted to stick to the standard.

Why did I choose for the UI and not an YAML file?
Using the UI gives a lot of advantages for NOOBS like me :smile::

  • All work can be done directly inside HA
  • No need to add the template to the “configuration.yaml” (deliberate giving this bad advise, prefer myself to use packages and keep the configuration file lean and mean)
  • No need to “restart HA” (which is an overkill advise, but often done; “reloading template entities” is sufficient, perhaps not everybody sees this option)
  • The binary sensor will be directly available.
  • The underlying information (which sensors are involved) are visible:

To be complete: Yes, there are also disadvantages; with a file you can easier keep a project together, cut and paste, share and not to forget have more variables available for a sensor.

Again, I was very happy I found your solution to my problem because I never would have come up with the syntax to solve it myself.

It’s important to remember that Template entities have always been configured via YAML. That’s why they are ‘feature complete’.

In contrast, Template helpers, for sensor and binary_sensor, are recent additions and only support some of the available features.

Hopefully they will eventually support all available features because as you mentioned, they are convenient to use.

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