Binary sensor not showing up

I am tinkering with Home-Assistant for some month now. I upgraded from a raspi 3 to a virtual machine on proxmox now the system runs smooth, fast and automated backups are really easy. Recently I got a sonoff RF bridge and managed to flash it with the tasmota / portisch firmware. I installed the hassio mosquitto broker add-on and made mqtt work ( when i listen to the mqtt events with mqtt.fx or a mobile app I can see mqtt messages with the rf-signal and the topics). Home-assistant found the broker after the first startup of the service - the next step was to set up the devices as binary_sensor in the configuration.yaml file. I followed the instructions of several forum threads, blog-posts and youtube videos but the sensors will not show up in home-assistant. I tried the configurations check in the web-interface and the console, i checked the logs but there is no error or warning. I seem to overlock something or make terrible mistakes but i can’t find whats wrong. Other sensors and devices with esphome and deconz even former tradfri gateay connected sensors and lamps are working without a problem. Where can I start with the troubleshooting?

Start by posting the properly formatted config you are using for the binary sensor.

Of course, i am sorry:

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "tele/rf_bridge/RESULT"
    name: 'Klodeckel'
    value_template: '{{value_json.RfReceived.Data}}'
    payload_on: '8D0B0E'
    payload_off: '8D0B09'
    device_class: door
    qos: 1

I hope this is the right format.

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Looks good. Can you paste the mqtt topic and message data you see in mqttfx?

I will. I cannot do it right now since i don’t have access to the appliance right now. But - I think I have the solution to the problem. To get the latest code-snippet from the configuration.yaml - i accessed the configuration with the configurator-add-on which I installed for that reason. There was no binary_sensor code in the configuration. At home I use notepad++ to open the configuration via samba share on the hassio-vm. I think there was a connection issue and I did all the troubleshooting on a configuration.yaml that was never saved to the hassio instance. Very dumb, I apologize in advance - but i will double check this evening if that was really the case. But it would answer the question why the was no device showing up in the state section of home-assistant :slight_smile:

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