Binary Sensor reporting undefined

Hello, another new user question regarding my mqtt integration…this time a binary sensor.
below is the mqtt explorer output for my waterheater.

“ac element status”: “11”,
“ac element status definition”: “undefined”,
“ac power failure status”: “11”,
“ac power failure status definition”: “undefined”,
“burner status”: “00”,
“burner status definition”: “off”,
“data”: “0101FFFF9D2CF00C”,
“dc power failure status”: “00”,
“dc power failure status definition”: “dc power present”,
“dgn”: “1FFF7”,
“failure to ignite status”: “00”,
“failure to ignite status definition”: “no failure”,
“high temperature limit switch status”: “11”,
“high temperature limit switch status definition”: “undefined”,
“instance”: 1,
“operating modes”: 1,
“operating modes definition”: “combustion”,
“set point temperature”: “n/a”,
“set point temperature F”: 32,
“thermostat status”: “00”,
“thermostat status definition”: “set point met”,
“timestamp”: “1673964957.662414”,
“water temperature”: 83.9,
“water temperature F”: 183

The burner status binary entity is reported as 00 i.e off and 01 for on. I am missing something in my code to get the sensor to report on/off form the 00 / 01 data. Any comments or assistance would be appreciated.

    - name: "Waterheater Burner Status"
      state_topic: "RVC/WATERHEATER_STATUS/1"
      value_template: '{{ value_json["burner status"] }}'
      device_class: heat

Thanks for looking.