Binary Sensor Template to count Group State

I have a six occupancy binary sensors in a group and I want to be able to tell if all of them are on, for use in automations.

I’m after some help, please, with a template sensor to achieve this but can’t find anything suitable in the forum. Obviously, with a group, if one is on the group state is on but I need to be able to automate only when all are on.

{{ expand(state_attr('binary_sensor.your_occupancy_group', 'entity_id')) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | list | count  == 6 }}
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Thanks for the help Tom.

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To tweek @tom_l 's solution just a bit and make the output self maintaining.

{{ expand(state_attr('binary_sensor.your_occupancy_group', 'entity_id')) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'off') | list | count  == 0 }}

With the above template, one can add or remove members from the group & the it will still produce the results intended.
There may likely exist an even more elegant statement, though I’ve not discovered it yet.
EDIT: I inverted both tests. & took several attempts to get the formatted code block to render correctly.


You can use the “all entities” option to have binary sensor groups behave in the manner you describe (only on when all members of the group are on).

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