Binary_sensor, Template trigger and expand()

Why are you using expand() at all… it’s not necessary any more for the type of use you have shown.

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: Cucina attiva
        state: >-
          {{ state_attr('group.cucina_attiva', 'entity_id') 
          | reject('eq', 'switch.caldaia_on_off') 
          | select('has_value')
          | select('is_state', 'on')
          | list | count > 0 }}
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yes, or use label and {{label_entities()}} so you don’t even have to exclude, and can leave out the has_value() check…

{{label_entities('cucina_attiva')|select('is_state','on')|list|count >0}}

@didgeridrew @Mariusthvdb

emandt is likely to use your template suggestions in the same way he currently insists and that’s in a Template Trigger of a Trigger-based Template Binary Sensor. As a result, it will fail to create a proper binary_sensor because a Template Trigger will not trigger when its result changes from true to false. Therefore the entity will only be able to report on but never off.

If emandt were to simply use a Template Binary Sensor (i.e. not Trigger-based) it will correctly report on and off using the template I had suggested (and proven to work) or your suggested templates. However, convincing emandt that he is using the wrong tool for the job has proven to be challenging.

Emandt is under the mistake impression that his binary_sensor must have a trigger in order to avoid “unpredicted behaviours and/or reduce overall performance”.

I have explained, more than once, that the template I suggested will be evaluated only when there’s a state-change in one of its monitored entities. It’s effective, efficient, and predictable. However, he insists the binary_sensor must have a trigger and so has employed a Template Trigger incapable of reporting off and so has attempted to compensate for it by adding more triggers.

At this point, emandt should be realizing that the over-complicated, under-performing thing he has created is flawed because it’s the wrong path to the solution. Yet he remains convinced it’s all due to flaws in the system and not because he is using the wrong tool for the job.


It’s not what is in the template that makes the Template Trigger, of this Trigger-based Template Sensor, unable to report off, it’s the fact that it should not be using a trigger. For this particular application, all it needs is a vanilla Template Binary Sensor.

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No, both a template trigger and template entities without triggers use the same code. The CPU usage is identical between the two. Template entities and template triggers are rate limited the exact same way.

@123’s proposed solution is the correct template that should be used. I’d revisit all your templates understanding what 123 has described to you.

EDIT: You’re actually using more resources by using the exact same template as a trigger. If you do a template trigger with a sensor that contains the same template, you’re rendering the template twice for each new state change the sensor obtains.


That’s at least the second time you have misunderstood how a template in a Template entity is processed.
its template will be evaluated only when one of its monitored entities undergoes a state-change (to its state value, not one of its attributes)

Guides are extremly precise about triggers:

" To trigger on all state changes, but not on changed attributes, set at least one of from, to, not_from, or not_to to null"

Then Triggers are NECESSARY if I don’t want to trigger even when one of Attributes changes, that’s why I used them also in stupid/easy sensors.
However I also explained that THIS simple test was just a tiny part of what I want to do where I would like to read some entities States and ALSO some other entitites Attributes, so the trigger have to react by some State and some Attributes.
This specific test doesn’t covers my case I’ve explained before, so maybe only THIS test could be solved in the way you have said.

Your application doesn’t need or benefit from a trigger

I though to have already well explained why I don’t want the sensor be triggered at each Groups entities attribute changes.
37 entities could change their attributes every second and then (in the worst scenario) trigger the Sensor every 27 milliseconds and this is not what I want for my HA.
I’m used to do something performant and not “just that works” as maybe usual ppl that are not programmers and doesn’y have enough skills to do things in the right way.

However thx for your time and explanations.
I’ll try to solve this issue in another way without the non-sense Template Trigger Sensor.

Unfortunately this does not listen for entitites change but only to Group state changes as you can show in Development Template page.
Using “expand()” a listener is created for each entity but in your example (that I didn’t know, so thx to let me that it exists) only a group listener is created.

However thx for your suggestion :wink:

You have a fundamental miss understanding on how things are working under the hood.

When you create a trigger, it generates 1 or (more listeners depending on the trigger) for your trigger. In your hypothetical situation you have 1 template trigger with 37 entities being used.

This creates 1 listener that pays attention to 37 entities. With each state change on 37 entities the template is executed. If you have a state change or attribute change every 27 milliseconds, your listener is executing the template every 27 milliseconds. Then once your template resolves from false to true, your trigger then causes the sensor to resolve your state template. You are not bypassing the 27 milliseconds state changes, you are merely hiding them.

In your original question, it’s evident that you will end up needing a second trigger to capture the onoff template change. This would create a second listener, and an additional template resolution when that trigger fires. To recap, you are now at 2 listeners listening to the same 37 entities firing every 27 milliseconds that when triggered cause the template entity to execute an additional template.

Now, if you forgo the trigger for the template entity, you actually reduce the number of template executions and the number of listeners. It goes from: 2 listeners executing templates every 27 ms triggering sensor template executions, down to: 1 listener executing a template every 27 ms.

You literally reduce the HA overhead by a factor of 2*x + 2.

Now lets look at other simple templates that you probably have. Lets say you have a simple template {{ is_state('sensor.a', 'foo') and is_state(sensor.b', 'bar') }}. Without triggers, this would have 1 listener. If you add a state change trigger for each entity, you now have 2 listeners, effectively doubling the load again. It’s very easy to actually triple or quadruple the load when you add multiple triggers.

So the take away from this, you should utilize template entities without triggers inn most cases. At a maximum, templates will generate 2 listeners: 1 for time (if you use one of the datetime functions) and 1 for state changes (if you access the state machine) 1 listener for both time and state changes. So if you have 3 or more triggers on a template, it will likely create more load. There are exceptions to this, however I will not cover them here.

The take away from my post is that you should not use triggers for all template entities just because you think that it reduces the load or increases performance.

No, a single listener.

separate triggers → separate listeners.

single template → at most 2 listeners. 1 for time, 1 for entities. 1 listener.

You have to understand that templates have been optimized under the hood to reduce load. There’s even throttles in place to ensure your calculations don’t bog down your system.

EDIT: It’s been awhile since I’ve been in that part of the code. I just checked it out and templates only generate a single listener.


You referenced the description for a State Trigger. We’re discussing your use of a Template Trigger.

A Template Trigger monitors whatever you design its template to monitor. Its behavior is controlled by the template you design. It does not have a State Trigger’s from, to, not_from, or not_to to null options because the template offers complete control over what changes it should detect. You design the template to listen for what you want and to report true when it is detected.

Yes, you have explained that because you mistakenly continue to believe a Template Trigger will automatically listen for attribute changes. It listens for whatever changes you choose to have monitored in the Template Trigger’s template. The template I suggested listens for changes to the entity’s state, not its attributes.

Since you are a conscientious programmer, it may come as a shock for you to learn that your latest creation is less performant than a Template Sensor. See petro’s post for the details.

Unfortunately, that’s what can happen when design decisions are based on an incorrect understanding of how the system works. In this case, a Template Binary Sensor not only “just works” it works better than a Trigger-based variety. For this application, it doesn’t represent a compromised solution but a superior one.


And I’ve already told you that your way is wrong.
This is the minimum extract of my big/long Triggered Template Sensor from where I removed the Trigger section and it doesn’t works without it even if in Development Template page the same Jinja is evaluated well becoming TRUE and FALSE according to it and also according to events of the group sensors.

The Sensor, instead, stays always OFF even if in Development Template page I can see a “TRUE” evaluation of the same Jinja.

- trigger:
    - name: Cucina attiva
      unique_id: cucina_attiva
      state: >-
        {% set excluded_due_to_always_on = ['switch.caldaia_on_off'] %}
        {% set entita_gruppo = expand('group.cucina_attiva') %}
        {% set entita_on = entita_gruppo | rejectattr("state", "in", ["undefined", "unavailable"]) | rejectattr("entity_id", "in", excluded_due_to_always_on) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | map(attribute="entity_id") | list %}
        {% set excluded_due_to_always_greather_than = ['sensor.caldaia_potenza'] %}
        {% set entita_greather_than = entita_gruppo | rejectattr("state", "in", ["undefined", "unavailable"]) 
            | rejectattr("entity_id", "in", entita_on)
            | rejectattr("entity_id", "in", excluded_due_to_always_greather_than)
            | map(attribute='state') | map('float', 0) | select('>', 0) | list %}
        {{ ((entita_on | count) + (entita_greather_than | count)) > 0 }}

So what I have solved using your method? Nothing… :sweat_smile:

That’s not removing the trigger section, it’s declaring an empty one that will never trigger, which is why it’s not working for you. It should (as advised multiple times above) start with:

- binary_sensor:

It’s the attitude like this that makes this whole thread a head scratcher. You’re over here acting like you know HA more than multiple HA experts, while simultaneously posting incorrect configurations & conceptions.

The reason your template doesn’t update is because what @troon (another template expert) highlighted. Remove the trigger section from your YAML.

- binary_sensor:
    - name: Cucina attiva
      unique_id: cucina_attiva
      state: >-
        {% set excluded_due_to_always_on = ['switch.caldaia_on_off'] %}
        {% set entita_gruppo = expand('group.cucina_attiva') %}
        {% set entita_on = entita_gruppo | rejectattr("state", "in", ["undefined", "unavailable"]) | rejectattr("entity_id", "in", excluded_due_to_always_on) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | map(attribute="entity_id") | list %}
        {% set excluded_due_to_always_greather_than = ['sensor.caldaia_potenza'] %}
        {% set entita_greather_than = entita_gruppo | rejectattr("state", "in", ["undefined", "unavailable"]) 
            | rejectattr("entity_id", "in", entita_on)
            | rejectattr("entity_id", "in", excluded_due_to_always_greather_than)
            | map(attribute='state') | map('float', 0) | select('>', 0) | list %}
        {{ ((entita_on | count) + (entita_greather_than | count)) > 0 }}

The problem is you’re NOT doing it the way I suggested.

You persist to include a trigger section, an empty one at that, and that’s why it fails to work correctly.

By definition, only a Trigger-based Template Binary Sensor uses a trigger section. The correct format of a Template Binary Sensor (what I suggested one week ago) does not include a trigger section.


Template integration.

You didn’t use my method. By adding an empty trigger section, you used your method. That’s why you solved nothing.


my bold accents

actually. wow.
personally, I find this so dismissive, I am tempted to flag this post, and even suggest the discussion to be closed.

Man, you’ve got all experts in this community spoon-feeding explaining you your issue and helping you out with the solution, even explain in length as to the why, and yet you remain projecting this attitude?

I won’t even mention the expertise of some well known developers in the background that has made the template integration so efficient as it is today.

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Yes, ppl that normally uses HA are not programmers so if their HA drains 1% of CPU or 25% they they don’t even pay attention to it.
If a Trigger is wrong and eats a lot of CPU than the normal but the result is acceptable, they’re fine :sweat_smile:

I’m in Homeassitant FB groups (international and italian) where I saw thousand of bad and/or not_optimized YAML but that reach user achievement at the end…and they didn’t care if they have created a Trigger that listens for the WHOLE “sensors” domain or not.

So yes the BOLD section you highlighted.

If the solution (after explained my need and reasons) is not right for me and it doesn’t work, why the discussion should be closed? :man_shrugging:

Yes I changed the Sensor without remove trigger section and this was my fault.
I confirm that I NEVER declared a template section without a Trigger :wink: :man_shrugging:

The easy example we have used until now seems works quite fine if just few entities are declared in the Group, but became heavy if all 37 entities are included in it.
I already told that I have to listen for some entity States and some Attributes because there are sensors that have constant State but changes their Attributes and vice-versa.

This “solution” works only where States changes but not on Attributes.
So the State section is well executed every entity State is changed, but if an Attribute changes there isn’t anything that triggers the State section again to evaluate it again according to the long Jinja inside it…
So I do not solved anything if all Attribute changes doesn’t trigger anything.
And there isn’t any 1:1 relation between an Attribute and the final Sensor state because an Attribute change could not change anything if Jinja does not deem it necessary to change its status.
This was why I need a Trigger template: a sensor is triggered ONLY when really needs by the Jinja according to a complex State and Attribute interoperability.

OR I have to “export” all needed Attributes in standalone sensors, add them to the Group, find a way to mark them (in the Jinja inside State section) as “same entity X” to distinghuish which Real sensor is updated (because I could need to verify State AND Attributes from the SAME sensor), change the Jinja to handle this “entity mark” and then it could be work, but… :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

No… It will update when any aspect of the state object changes. That includes attributes.

State changes on the entity themselves are suppressed when it evaluates to the same result. If your template reaches the same result between 2 updates, you won’t get a state change event.

Your “observation” indicates you haven’t remembered what has been explained.

I recommend you review all the explanations in this topic.