Referring to the Binary Sensor states what was the reasoning behind using the terminology Open, rather than Opened?
Was there a conscience decision to use the present tense, rather than past?
The reason I ask is that have made a few templated sensors which suggests if a door or window should be opened, and therefore I am using the future tense of open. This obviously now conflicts with the same opening terminology.
I don’t know of any discussion about that, but using present tense makes sense to me. “Opened” (past tense) would refer to a specific point in time where the state has changed. The state of the entity itself however reflects the state it currently has, which is the present. If a door has been opened in the past, it now is open.
The problem you have is a limitation of the english language, where the word for (the door is) open is the same as (to) open (the door).
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