Binary_sensors missing

Hi Community!

Can anyone help me? I don‘t know what I‘m doing wrong. I try to setup three binary sensors for tracking my ISP and Gateway, but only one binary_sensor („cloudflare“) can be found in the entity list or state list in the developer tools.

Ping to Cloudflare, Google & Gateway every second (5 packets)
  - platform: ping
    name: "Cloudflare"
    count: 5
    scan_interval: 1
  - platform: ping
    name: "Google"
    count: 5
    scan_interval: 1
  - platform: ping
    name: "Gateway"
    count: 5
    scan_interval: 1

  - sensor:
      - name: "Cloudflare"
        unit_of_measurement: "ms"
        state: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.cloudflare', 'round_trip_time_max') }}"
  - sensor:
      - name: "Google"
        unit_of_measurement: "ms"
        state: "{{state_attr('', 'round_trip_time_max') }}"
  - sensor:
      - name: "Gateway"
        unit_of_measurement: "ms"
        state: "{{state_attr('binary_sensor.gateway', 'round_trip_time_max') }}"

Thank you in advance!


Ping to Cloudflare, Google & Gateway every second (5 packets)

Needs to be a comment (put a # in front) :

# Ping to Cloudflare, Google & Gateway every second (5 packets)

Also where are you putting this?

Under binary_sensors: is where it should go.

I’d also recommend NOT pinging Google and Cloudflare every second, apart from being a lot of useless network traffic, they really won’t appreciate it.

All these sensors should be under one heading, like this:

  - sensor
    - name: abc

    - name: xyz
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That was an copy error from my side. There was a # already. I have created a own file binary_sensor.yaml and this is the whole yaml in it. In the configuration.yaml i included this file. But still no google or gateway sensors :frowning:

Do you really think it is a problem to ping them in this interval?

Rossk has shown what your problem is. And yes pining public servers every second is not a good idea.

In future it helps if you show all your relevant config accurately, otherwise you’re just wasting everybody’s time.