Hi everyone!
So try bind to Supervised HA directory from host system.
My steps
- Stop container and docker service
- Edit hostconfig.json
"Binds": [
"/mnt/remote:/remote:rw", #Have added there
- Edit config.v2.json
3.1 Volumes
"Volumes": {
"/config": {},
"/etc/asound.conf": {},
"/etc/pulse/client.conf": {},
"/remote": {}, # Have added there
"/run/audio": {},
"/run/dbus": {},
"/share": {},
"/ssl": {}
3.2 MountPoints
"/remote": {
"Source": "/mnt/remote",
"Destination": "/remote",
"RW": true,
"Name": "",
"Driver": "",
"Type": "bind",
"Relabel": "rw",
"Propagation": "rprivate",
"Spec": {
"Type": "bind",
"Source": "/mnt/remote",
"Target": "/remote"
"SkipMountpointCreation": false
- systemctl (re)start docker | shutdown -r now
Directory /mnt/remote exist, permission for directory 755 (same as for /config or /ssl, etc)
Could you explain for me what i doing wrong?