I get the point of those bind keys and how to get them. Please allow the following question:
- iPhone
- I have NO Xiaomi Gateway, just the sensor and the iPhone with the app
- I am adding it in the, app, I can use the tools to read the bind key from the Xiaomi Cloud, I have received the data
I understand that the bind key is basically created (in the app/cloud) and will be written to the sensor to be used to encrypt the beacons. If the device was not provisioned with a key, no information is sent from the device.
Question: Do I NEED a Xiaomi Gateway device for the initial provisioning (to push the bind key to the sensor) or is this done via the iPhone app with no gateway required? What is pushing the key to the sensor, the phone app or does it come via the BT gateway?
I have tried this with the sensor: Xiaomi Motion Sensor 2S (XMPIR02SGXS). I understand that for this sensor there is currently no support.
I can see the initial beacons from the sensor, when I push the button. I added it to the app, used to tools to read bind key. However, the device does not react on motion - it does not seem to be properly initialized - I assume it is not initialized correctly.
I know those “web-flasher tools” for the LYWSD03MMC. Those tools basically, generate a random key and push it to the device.
Is there a way to generate a key and push it to the Xiaomi Motion sensors? I assume this is just writing some value to some UUID.
I did some BLE captures. The XMPIR02SGXS does only send some beacons for a short period of time, after the button has been pressed. After that nothing. No motion information.
Any chance how to provision the XMPIR02SGXS (I assume the procedure is identical with RTCGQ02LM) without using the Xiaomi cloud - as it looks like it does not work.
Thanks for your help.