BitBar HASS sensor plugin

Hi, guys!

Since my exams are soon coming up, I decided to write a BitBar plugin for my Home Assistant sensors instead of reading.

So now you can get any sensor value from your Home Assistant instance in you mac menu bar.
Currently features:

  • Choose if you want the friendly name shown or not, both for primary and secondary sensors
  • One primary sensor, shown in the menu bar
  • Ability to show as many secondary sensors as you want when you expand the menu

Ideas for new features:

  • Possibility to add binary sensors and entities which can be toggled
  • Have more sensor values rotate as primary sensors

More ideas are welcome!

It’s my one of my first times coding in python and using the Home Assistant API.
You can find the code in my github repo:

Hope it’s usefull for someone!


This is just what I was looking for, thanks for that!

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