Biweekly Notification Reminder


  • I have two bins that go out every other week on the same day.
  • On one week it’s Black Bin
  • On one week it’s Green Bin
  • Rinse and repeat.

I want to setup a biweekly notification reminder so I don’t get a notification every week that the Black Bin needs to go out. I just want the notification every other week.
Here is my current setup. I don’t know how to change it to biweekly??

alias: Black Bin Reminder
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '20:00'
  - condition: time
      - wed
  - service: notify.alexa_media_gordon_s_echo
      message: Bin Reminder - Black Bin To Go Out Tonight
        type: announce
        method: all
mode: single

You can get the week number and calculate the modulus to determine if it’s an odd or even week.

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Have you seen GitHub - bruxy70/Garbage-Collection: 🗑 Custom Home Assistant sensor for scheduling garbage collection (or other regularly re-occurring events - weekly on given days, semi-weekly or monthly) which will do exactly what you want?

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I have another use-case, but basically the same requirement:

How to run my automation only biweekly (withouth using custom components, I want to do this natively with HA)?

Would I need to template a trigger/condition? What would this look like?

found a “solution” following Monthly automation - #2 by VDRainer.

It would like what @parautenbach tried to direct you towards in his links two posts above. Follow it and look at what @123 wrote there.