Bizarre behavior when editing items in Integrations UI

I’ve been trying to troubleshoot the map UI and it not showing all of my zones, specifically a work zone. Other zones display without issue. I was poking around in the Integrations page of the UI and noticed I had a “Zone: Work” defined. When I clicked on it I got “This integration has no devices.”

I probably created it at some point during the troubleshooting process, can’t say for sure, but I figured what the hell, let’s delete it and see what happens…


I reboot HASS and suddenly all of my climate/temperature related sensors are offline. Multiple components / sensors were affected and I have no idea what’s going on. I panic, of course because I wasn’t judicious about making a backup this morning. Threw a Hail Mary and re-defined the “Zone:Work” with my home lat&long which was displaying in a blank Integration that used to be my OpenUV component.

All the sensors are back online and it seems like everything is fixed but I have no Idea what’s going on / how to proceed. How does the Integration page in the UI work alongside my configuration.yaml file? What should I do? Where do I start?