I have two dashboards set up: Overview and Admin. The Admin dashboard is set to “admin only”. They are both UI controlled. Both dashboards appear fine on my user login, but are blank pages on my wife’s user login. If I hover over the Overview link on the left hand side with my login, I see a URL that ends in /lovelace. If I click on the link, I am taken to a URL that ultimately ends in /lovelace/default_view. For my wife’s login, the hover shows the same link: /lovelace, but if clicked on it, I am taken to a URL that ultimately ends in /lovelace. It does not have the “/default_view” on the end. If I manually add that on the end of the URL in the browser, then the page displays correctly on my wife’s login.
What do I need to do so that my wife’s login displays the dashboards?