Blank dashboard in Lock screen Device Controls

I’m using a Samsung phone with One UI 6.0
Device controls display a blank dashboard when the phone is locked.
Is it expected or a bug? Thanks!

  • Locked + Dashboard: Blank screen
  • Locked + Build-in: Working
  • Unlocked + Dashboard: Working
  • Unlocked + Build-in: Working

I believe @jpelgrom implemented this feature for Android 14 and one of the commits explicits said “Allow controls panel to work while locked”.
Could you confirm whether it is expected? Thanks a lot!

did you turn on device controls for locked screen in your device setting?

Yes, I turned on and it works for built-in UI.
I also removed all entities in built-in UI before switching to the dashboard one.

ok can you please submit an issue on github with the companion app logs after reproducing the issue?

screenshots/video may be helpful too