BLE Battery Management Systems custom integration

Not sure I fully understand your request, but did you take a look at the FAQ on how to get an attribute as an individual sensor?

Good afternoon, is there any plan to support DALY BMS with active balancer?

Did you check if it works? Most probably it should already do so. If not, feel free to raise an issue on GitHub and we can discuss the details there.

Hi Patrick,

thank you for your great integration.


BT ID: JHB-501805010265

Please raise a feature request and provide the output of bluetoothctl info <MAC> and the service explorer script there. Then I can have look why it is not detected automatically.

Thank you for this nice integration! I have a Powerqueen battery myself, and apparently it contains a Redodo BMS. So for other Powerqueen owners with this integration, you can connect the BMS :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting me know, will add it to the documentation.

My MacBook and iPhone do not see the bluetooth of this BMS. It can be connected via bluetooth only through the application on iOS.

Thank you for your work. I’m basically brand new to all things Home Assistant, and have only used it uninterrupted for less than 24 hours now. So, please be gentle with me.

Is this integration supposed to be available directly through Home Assistant like I searched for Tuya and was able to connect one of my devices? I have just searched for it without success. Is there something I’m supposed to do in order for it to appear when I search for it? Please, indulge my neonatal inquiry.

See the section of the README about installation. You first need to install HACS, then you can add a custom repository and finally, you install the integration using HACS.


Trying to use this in a proxmox VM instance of HA. i don’t have a bluetooth adaptor to passthrough, but i am using the ESPhome bluetooth proxy which works for other devices.

The integration is installed, however adding the integration instantly returns and error “No supported devices found via Bluetooth.” and the integration isn’t added.

The error i am getting from trying to use the integration makes it sound like this integration won’t work without an actual bluetooth adaptor installed. Is this correct?

Without an actual adaptor, i can’t run bluetoothctl as there is no controller available to get any errors.

The error i am getting from trying to use the integration makes it sound like this integration won’t work without an actual bluetooth adaptor installed. Is this correct?

The integration does support ESPhome BT proxy, please see the first post or the README.

The integration is installed, however adding the integration instantly returns and error “No supported devices found via Bluetooth.” and the integration isn’t added.

In this case, please refer to the troubleshooting guide. If your BMS is not supported, please open a feature request, if it should be supported (is listed in the section “supported devices”), please raise a bug issue with a proxy log attached.

I’m using a raspberry pi 5. Do I need at bluetooth adaptor and in this case which are supported.


Hi, found your integration, and just added my Seplos V2 BMS vis Bluetooth.
Thanks for that!
Two more things.

  1. The Bluetooth connection will work for about 1-2 minutes. Then the Pi5 and the seplos bms will disconnect. → i have to start a new scan and reconnect them. Is there an hint for an stable connection?
  2. I use 5 packs, connected via RS485. In the bluetooth app i can see all 5 packs and the informations. What do i have to do, to get the same information in HA?

THX, Leigh

Posted the device info in the feature request; manually added it to the custom component files like the other eco-worthy batteries; however still doesn’t work.

The BT proxy detects it; but this integration still cannot be added. i can’t turn on Debug for the integration, since the integration can’t be added as it still gives the error when adding the integration in the first place. also can’t run the Bluetoothctl commands since there is no BT adaptor in the machine.

I understand it works with BT proxy; but nothing mentions if a Bluetooth adaptor also must exist for the integration to be added in the first place; since i can’t get past that step at the moment without the aforementioned error.

The Pi5 has an integrated adapter which is not optimal, but sufficient if you use only 1-2 BMSs at a time.

First of all, the integration should reconnect automatically, try to checkout the RSSI / link values to see if your BT is ok. If your run into troubles, please open a support request with a debug log attached so I can take a deeper look.

The packs should individually show up in HA. During implementation I was told every pack as it’s own BT module.

I already replied to your support request. To my best knowledge ESPhome proxy and a BT adapter should be equivalent from the point of view of this integration. So there is no need to have both.

Not in all cases.
Only one of my Batteries have a Bluetooth Module but that one is the Master of the 5 Packs. They are all connected via RS485. In the Manufactors BT App i can see all 5 Modules named BP00/01/02/03/04.
I’ve Thaugt your integration works the same.
Probably not…
I bonded the MAC-Address via Bluetoothctl and it looks like that the connection will keep up. But HA shows just not available instead of the data.