BLE Integration for Oras bluetooth enabled basin faucets


I have a couple of ORAS 6150FZ faucets, which have BLE interface. Their BLE “beacon” does not reveal so much information as if you connect to them, only the serial number and battery status.
That being said, it would be nice if an integration in HA could intercept these announcements by the faucets - and register the battery state on a device with the serial number of the faucet…

I have no python programming experience, but I can easily describe where the information is present in the data advertised by the faucet.
Also - the faucet typically only send out the announcement once activated (and a short time afterwards) - so there could go hours between the beason/announcement being sent out…

If someone is up for the task, I can try to add the information I have so far…


Hi @bipsen, we have had the Oras Hydractiva Digital shower head included in Theengs Gateway (also available as a HA add-on) for a while now, which nicely sends session, duration, volume, temperature and energy consumption in its advertising data.

If the faucets send their battery status this could also be easily added if you’d be interested in giving some sample BLE data.

Well - setting up an RPi to intercept a weak BLE signal from the faucet seems a bit overkill (especially cost-wise, as an ESP32 based proxy is way cheaper than a RPi)… Because the for the faucet, you need to be pretty close to it to catch the signal…

I don’t know if the Theengs gateway supports BLE proxies like HA/ESPhome…

For an ESP32 there is OpenMQTTGateway, which uses the same BLE Decoder and directly connects to your MQTT broker with HA auto-discovery, and with the additional functionality of READ and WRITE commands with which you could also get and set the non-advertised GATT services of your faucets.

My initial assumption was that you are running Home Assistant on an RPi on which you could install the Gateway add-on and that the reception distance would be fine.

I am running HA in a VM in VMware (HAOS)…

Anyway the data looks like:

data marked with red is the battery percentage (0x64 = 100%) - and the yellow ones are the characters for the serial number 2111007935 (not sure why one character is missing in the bottom part - it is visible in the scan record section).

Please observe: The device address can change if/when the battery is changed on the faucet. The only “valid” identifier is the serial number.

More data can be extracted - e.g. the volume of water that has passed through the faucet, number of valve openings (in total and since last user reset), battery voltage, time since last user reset etc… But it is required to connect to the faucet in order to retrieve these data - and if you don’t disconnect afterwards, the BLE connection will stay open and consume more power from the battery…
Also - when connecting to query services/characteristics - these uuid’s cam also change when the battery is replaced (at least it looked like so the last time I tried) …