Ble itags finder rarely works

I am using [BLE iTag Button |](https://BLE iTag Button) on esp32s to find items such as remote controls.

When setting these up, all seemed great. Testing went well and clicking the Home Assistant virtual button set off the beeper and light as expected for each iTag.

However, as time has gone on, I realise that this only really worked when I had recently pressed the button actually on the iTag itself, which made it available.

If I have not done this for a while, the button becomes unavailable and the esphome integration cannot interact with the bluetooth device.

I realise this is probably not an Esphome issue as it is the behaviour of the devices themselves. However, I don’t want to simply throw these out as finders if there is a solution within Esphome or even code elsewhere that manages to maintain or restart the BLE transmission/connection of the iTags.

These iTag buttons were all purchased in the last year. I mention this as there have been suggestions online of some design changes over the years.