BLE Proxies and BLE Devices


I have two Bluetooth Proxies “A” and “B”, then I have 4 switchbot curtains “1-4”.
Anyone knows how do I know which switchbot has been connected to which bluetooth proxy?
And how can I make the connection manually? Something like… switch bot 1 and 2 connect to BLE Proxy “A” and switch bot “3” and “4” connect to BLE Proxy “B”.


Cut power to Bluetooth Proxy “A”, and see which curtains are still connected

Yes, this is what I did already, but I thought that there is any solution from HA. And still, how can I change the connectivity of a device from a BLE proxy to another?

All these proxies are casting a message to be picked up by the receiver (end device). And other way around, end device is broadcasting a ble advertisement message and whoever picks it up, it forwards it to home assistant. There could be many proxies picking up the same message.

If this is not an active connection, it would be hard to find the receiver, there could be many receiver for one end device.

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So… it does not matter from what BLE Proxy, the device will get the information, right?
And, another question, BLE Proxy it is working like wifi? I mean, if a device will get a higher BLE signal from a closer Proxy, it will change the connection to the one which is more closer?

I just try to understand exacty how bluetooth it is working, I have never used in smart home

Keeping active connections out of discussion, passive listening happen publicly. Any proxy can receive the message, or multiple proxies can receive the same message.

So, you have a humidity sensor publishing a message every 1 minute.

It could be picked up by nearest proxy but might be missed, or it could be picked up by 2 proxies.

So, i would not bother a lot which one is picking it if you are not interested room presence. Let the proxies find the way.

Contrary to wifi, it is not one client to one access point, it is working as advertisement to public space and whoever is interested to pick it up.

I can pick up my neighbors outdoor temperature readings as data is available