BLE Sensor

I’ve connected an ESP to a bluetooth device I’m trying to pull the temperature/humidity values from. I’ve created some test sensors that work fine, however they pull values I’m not interested in, firmware number etc.

Could someone please point me in the right direction to pull the correct values out please?

[23:14:19][I][ble_client:083]: Attempting BLE connection to ef:b0:e2:d8:31:c8
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:159]: Service UUID: 0x1800
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:160]:   start_handle: 0x1  end_handle: 0x9
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A00, handle 0x3, properties 0xa
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A01, handle 0x5, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A04, handle 0x7, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2AA6, handle 0x9, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:159]: Service UUID: 0x1801
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:160]:   start_handle: 0xa  end_handle: 0xd
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A05, handle 0xc, properties 0x20
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:159]: Service UUID: 0x180A
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:160]:   start_handle: 0xe  end_handle: 0x1a
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A29, handle 0x10, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A24, handle 0x12, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A27, handle 0x14, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A26, handle 0x16, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A28, handle 0x18, properties 0x2
[23:14:20][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 0x2A23, handle 0x1a, properties 0x2
[23:14:21][I][ble_client:159]: Service UUID: 70D510002C7F4E-75AE-8AD7-5895-1CE4E0
[23:14:21][I][ble_client:160]:   start_handle: 0x1b  end_handle: 0x20
[23:14:21][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 70D510012C7F4E-75AE-8AD7-5895-1CE4E0, handle 0x1d, properties 0xc
[23:14:21][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 70D510022C7F4E-75AE-8AD7-5895-1CE4E0, handle 0x1f, properties 0x10
[23:14:21][I][ble_client:159]: Service UUID: 0xFE59
[23:14:21][I][ble_client:160]:   start_handle: 0x21  end_handle: 0xffff
[23:14:21][I][ble_client:339]:  characteristic 8EC90003F3154F-609F-B883-8830-DAEA50, handle 0x23, properties 0x28

What is the bluetooth device ID or model number?

The device is a AC Infinity Controller 67.

This Reddit post provided an e-mail contact address, and this comment:

A company that listens to their customers needs and delivers fairly

I’d drop them an e-mail, and ask them to describe which values (temperature, humidity, on/off) are associated with each set of unique Bluetooth ID values.