I have a few of the Xiaomi Miija temperature sensors and have them connected up through a Bluetooth proxy. I need to get around the 3 device limitation (I have 4 devices) and have been trying to get a BLE tracker to work with them. As an example, I have one connected through the proxy with BTHome and it gives the correct temperature and humidity readings (e.g. 74F, 47%). When it is read by the BLE tracker I get something like 220F, 120%. I’m reading the correct UUIDs and if I use an app (e.g. nRF Connect) I see the correct values with the UUIDs. I’m kind of stumped as to what is going on. YAML snippet:
Thanks. Also, there proxy does have a 3 device limitation, since I only ever see 3 of my devices with values and they cycle. Why ESPhome has to hard code this is beyond me.
As @francisp mentioned, that definitely isn’t the case for BT Proxy. Per the docs:
“The Bluetooth proxy of ESPHome provides Home Assistant with a maximum number of 3 simultaneous active connections.”
I have TONS of BT devices all using proxies without any issues, but I only have 2 that require an active connection. I don’t think there’s really a hard limit to passive connections (like your temp/rh sensors).
ok. So is there a way to be able to persist the value obtained from one of the devices? In Home Assistant, my devices cycle between showing temp + humidity and Unavailable, which is useless for any automation.
I think that’s just due to how you’re currently pulling them in. I have ~20 of them (using the BT Home protocol) and they always show the last received value, although I also have them setup to broadcast fairly frequently (Just used whatever the default in the flasher tool is).
But you’re not using BT Proxy, per the YAML you posted. You don’t need anything specific to your BT device in your YAML: they’ll just be auto-discovered by HA if you have it setup properly.
I have a proxy, that is the one that shows 4 devices but only values from 3 of them at a time. I also set up a tracker to see if I could get that working, but that shows the wrong temp and humidity values.
Why don’t you post your full BT Proxy YAML? My guess is maybe you have something mis-configured.
I’ll also toss out that I’ve found the range of my BT Proxies to be fairly low (just using standard development boards). Not a huge deal for me, as I have BT Proxies scattered throughout my house doing other things already. Could just simply be a range issue.