BLE Transmitter constantly showing as stopped

Hi all.
Started playing around with esphome today. Started with a Bluetooth beacon. So I set the companion app to transmit BLE as per instructions, but it is just in a “stopped” state. If I disable the sensor, it will change to show disabled, but enabling again just shows it as stopped. I’ve tried enabling every Bluetooth thing I can think of, have restarted the phone and searched online but can’t find why it won’t transmit.
Can someone show me how to sort it or where I’ve done something stupid?

check companion app logs for errors when the sensor is on and supposed to be transmitting, you also have the transmitter enabled right?

Thanks for the reply. Transmitter is enabled.
I’ll check in the logs but at first glance can’t even tell what is referencing what. Doesn’t help that there are like 15 lines every second and I’m trying to make sense of what is what. I’ll have a deeper dive this evening.

turn the transmitter on and off then go to the logs and look for something that says advertisement started or failed etc…

Ok, by accident, found out that if I disable the “transmit on home network wifi ssid only”, it will start transmitting. If I enable that again, it will stop. Searched the logs and got the below that was related when doing this. I didn’t get any errors or started logs when keeping the local wifi option enabled and turning the BLE enable sensor on and off. I’m just happy that it’s working, but annoyed I will now need to figure out how to get local only sorted so as not to drain battery and broadcast bluetooth the whole time.

p.s. the help file doesn’t state how to include logs so apologies if I haven’t included needed syntax.

07-29 21:03:46.111 22743 22743 D BluetoothLeAdvertiser: onAdvertisingSetStarted(1, -15, 0)
07-29 21:03:46.112 22743 22931 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: false, usesInternalSsid is: false, usesWifi is: true
07-29 21:03:46.113 22743 22743 I BeaconTransmitter: Advertisement start succeeded.
07-29 21:03:46.155 22743 22931 D BluetoothAdapter: getBleEnabledArray(): ON

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have you configured your home wifi yet? Settings > companion app > select your server at the top and configure home wifi.


Ahhhh… thank you thank you thank you. I did set that up but I reinstalled the companion app when I had another issue and never did it again. So obvious now that you mentioned it.
Thanks for the help.

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Thank you, had the same problem :slight_smile: