Blink camera -> RTSP bridge (for Frigate, etc.)

Have a working PoC of this so I thought I’d share: GitHub - roger-/blinkbridge: Blink camera -> RTSP bridge

It’s a Docker-ized app to publish Blink motion clips to RTSP. There’s currently about a ~30s delay and the video will be static until motion is detected, but it’ll let you use Frigate, etc. with your Blink cameras.

Eventually I’ll try to integrate an ONVIF server with motion events so it can be used with Scrypted for HSV support.


Hi, thanks for sharing your work. I wondered if this only works with Blink cloud subscriptions? I seem to be getting a lot of errors and can only think that it is because i dont have cloud.

Hi, I’ve only tested it with cloud storage but anything that BlinkPy supports should work.

BlinkPy does indeed support local storage. I still seem to be seeing issues. I can authenticate easily enough when running blinkbridge; my creds file generates successfully. My cameras seem to then be identified but after that there seems to be an issue with no clips found. After that there is a whole lot of red exceptions. I wondered if the timezone could be an issue in the script, any ideas? Happy to load my full logs in a github issue if you are open to that.

There might be an issue related to local storage after all since I hack around some BlinkPy issues. I’d be happy to investigate – please share logs (GitHub would be better).

Hello I would be interested in trying, but I did not understand how to install everything on my HA configuration. I have the supervised version via debian


You need to have a working Docker installation first. Do you have that already?

no, i dedicated a mini pc for a home assistant os installation

Sorry you will need a way to run Docker, or at least a Linux shell if you want to install the scripts manually.

thanks, yes I have access to Linux Shell

You can manually install ffmpeg and install the packages in the Dockerfile with pip. Then download the repo and run mediamtx and the main script with Python.

I’m trying but when I start the container it gives me this error:

Attaching to mediamtx, blinkbridge-1
mediamtx       | 2025/01/23 19:31:48 INF MediaMTX v1.11.1
mediamtx       | 2025/01/23 19:31:48 INF configuration loaded from /mediamtx.yml
mediamtx       | 2025/01/23 19:31:48 INF [RTSP] listener opened on :8554 (TCP), :8000 (UDP/RTP), :8001 (UDP/RTCP)
mediamtx       | 2025/01/23 19:31:48 INF [RTMP] listener opened on :1935
mediamtx       | 2025/01/23 19:31:48 INF [HLS] listener opened on :8888
mediamtx       | 2025/01/23 19:31:48 INF [WebRTC] listener opened on :8889 (HTTP), :8189 (ICE/UDP)
mediamtx       | 2025/01/23 19:31:48 INF [SRT] listener opened on :8890 (UDP)
blinkbridge-1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
blinkbridge-1  |   File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
blinkbridge-1  |   File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
blinkbridge-1  |   File "/app/blinkbridge/", line 9, in <module>
blinkbridge-1  |     from blinkbridge.stream_server import StreamServer
blinkbridge-1  |   File "/app/blinkbridge/", line 8, in <module>
blinkbridge-1  |     from blinkbridge.config import *
blinkbridge-1  |   File "/app/blinkbridge/", line 38, in <module>
blinkbridge-1  |     load_config_file(config_file)
blinkbridge-1  |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^
blinkbridge-1  |   File "/app/blinkbridge/", line 27, in load_config_file
blinkbridge-1  |     with open(file_name) as f:
blinkbridge-1  |          ~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^
blinkbridge-1  | FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/data/supervisor/share/blinkbridge/config/config.json'
blinkbridge-1 exited with code 1

can’t find the .json file. How come, the file is located in that folder

I assume you’re using Docker now? Make sure you copied the config json file to the right location.

I installed docker-compose and started the Dockerfile, then I edit the compose.yaml file and started with docker-compose by changing the file paths. but I think that HA OS blocks the reading of the file. what can I check?

Are you sure you had the config file in the same location specified in compose.yaml?

I’m also not sure if running external Docker containers is support under HA OS.