I’ve set up the Blink integration, a couple of things remain unclear, please tell me if it’s my setup wrong or if it’s the intended behaviour.
As I read it has to go through Blink cloud polling for everything, so it seems obvious to me that motion detection notifications can only work with their app which receives push notifications, then why bother with a binary sensor motion detection entity for each camera if it’s useless inside HA? as expected, it never changes state when a motion is correctly detected by Blink cameras and notified to the app.
Or alternative question, do you know a workaround to actually use those binary sensors as instantaneous triggers inside HA?
It was unexpected instead to see that all the actions that chage state work as intended (arm/disarm blink system, enable/disable motion detection on single cameras) but this state change doesn’t appear in HA. This seems a fixable bug to me, in the debug log for example the alarm state is correctly reported in the API answer, but the Alarm Control Panel doesn’t get update with this new value.
I verified instead that all previous mentioned actions worked because state change is reflected in the Blink app.
So, is this the intended behaviour (states can only be written, not read) or is there something not working? Is working differently for someone else?