Blink Camera's discontinuing "legacy" login

Just curious if there is a timeline as to when the new blink integration (2FA login) will be available in the mainline? Thanks.

Beta has the new 2FA blink, I have my cameras back. No more sitting by the backdoor all night with a baseball bat.

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Sweet the new pull request works it’s in the 0.110.0b0 version right now!!! Then add via integration page!! Thank you so much for your hard work @fronzbot was following app the back n turn forth on git, for the merge

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I never thought about using an automation to on/off motion detection could you share your automation?

I think he means “Arm” and “Disarm”. That essentially allows you to only to record at certain times ( like night time ) . Rather than leaving your Blink Armed all day.

I leave mine armed at all times as I have specific cameras I have active 24x7. My automations individually arm and disarm certain cameras when I set my home alarm.

@fronzbot Updted to 110b0 this morning. Added the new integration, but it would not function until I commented out the previous config in configuration.yaml, not sure if that was the intended behavior. When I added the integration and entered my email/password, it sent me an email. It did not have a OTP, but there was a button in the email I had to click to allow device. The image from blink for the allow device was a huge button (screenshot below). Guess they really want you to click that.

Should the new integration set a device name, or allow you to configure one?

I was thinking like when garage door unlocked turn off motion detection on garage camera

The entry in your configuration.yaml should be migrated, but all options outside of username, password, and scan_interval were removed and the integration won’t be set up if you have them (this will be mentioned in the Breaking Changes section at release).

If you don’t have any more config options than that, at startup you’ll have a notification that tells you an integration needs further configuration. You have to click that to go to the integrations page which will then ask you to configure Blink with the 2FA code (or just hit “submit” if you get an email with that “Allow Device” button).

If neither of those things are the cause of your issue, that’s a bug.

As for the *|DEVICENAME|* thing in the email, I have no idea why that happens. I’ve tried many different combinations of data to send them and nothing works- I have an issue open for it here because it bugs me to no end:

I think I am back up and running :slight_smile:

How can I check that scan_interval was migrated properly ? Where would I see this setting now ?

I had a number of config entries originally from when I originally set it up (not sure they were needed). In addition to the email password I had the following.
scan_interval: 600
- battery
- temperature
- wifi_strength
For me nothing was setup in the GUI under integrations. I added and even after restarting it did not work until I commented all of the blink settings out of the config file.

@steve101101 - Go to the .storage/ directory and look for blink in the core.config_entities file. If you have a lot of entries it’ll be a bit painful to look at but all the data from setup is stored there.

@bpascucci - Remove the sensors section. That will block the integration from starting. The maximum amount of entries in your config can only be as follows:

  username: yourusername
  password: yourpassword
  scan_interval: somescaninterval # Optional
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I installed the beta version and everything is working again. Thanks for all of your efforts and time.

Thanks, seems it defaulted back to 300.

Happy days. Core updated then email received and integration worked perfectly. Now I have my cameras again. Excellent work and very much appreciated.

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That’s odd. Maybe I introduced a bug when I was addressing some other issues because I definitely tested that at one point.

Either way, I’m working on adding the ability to change options after the integration has been added, scan_interval being one of them. It was just tabled for another PR. So worst-case you’d just have to wait one release cycle before being able to edit it from the GUI. You can still edit it in the core.config_entities file though!

how hard is it to give the beta a try? Should I just wait for the release? Thanks for all your work btw.

It’s pretty straight-forward for python installs or docker (I’m unfamiliar with the other ways people set up home-assistant). For a python-based install it’s just as simple as pip install homeassistant=0.110.0b0. For docker, you just specify the version tag as 0.110.0b0.

:cry: Unfortunately mine is setup on a Raspberry PI image. I’m not sure there is a way for me to try it out, that I’m aware. I’m still in the learning phase and it drives me crazy when I can’t or know how to do something.
Sometimes I wish I have never heard of HA. :rofl:

I get that, it’s definitely a rabbit hole (especially if you enjoy tinkering) I started out just wanting a local way to turn my lights on an off. All of a sudden I’m writing a python library for these cameras and maintaining its integration in HA.

Get out now, while you still can :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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