Blink cameras not updating picture every time it's taken

I’m running the below script to take a picture from my blink camera but its hit and miss when it works and updates and cant seem to place any logic behind it!!

For example it will take a pic and i can see this update in the www folder live viewing it in the samba share, other times it doesn’t update and uses the old photo.

how ever when i go into the app it then updates with the new photo. so it looks like it’s not updating the app and then downloading the older phtoto which hasn’t refreshed.

any one have any suggestions as to why???

  - data:
      name: Front Door
    service: blink.trigger_camera
  - delay: 00:00:06
  - service: blink.blink_update
  - data:
      entity_id: camera.blink_front_door
      filename: /config/www/my_image_front.jpg
    service: camera.snapshot
  username: !secret blink-username
  password: !secret blink-password
  scan_interval: 5

Ok, first up that scan_interval setting because 5s is WAY too quick. It’s quite possible blink will lock you out of your account if you continue hammering their servers ever 5s.

As for the automation- try adding a ~5s delay in between the blink.blink_update service call and the call to the camera.snapshot service. It’s quite possible that those calls are happening too quickly and require a delay between them.