I’m reviewing the state of my current Blink automations and scripts (for internal cameras) before installing a second sync module with some XT cameras for outside. (My understanding is that support for multiple sync modules is imminent).
I’m running v0.85.1 and struggling to get the save_video script working; this was not working for me in 0.84.x either.
No errors are logged but the video is never downloaded. The snapshot script functions correctly, producing the requested JPG in the destination; I’m confident that this is not a whitelisting issue.
The entity camera.blink_dining_room properties show a valid URL in video and last_record gives a timestamp matching the latest entry in the Blink app’s list of videos for the specific camera.
Is anyone able to share a working example of this service call please?
Multiple sync module has been supported since 0.84
As for the service call, it’s because you’re sending the wrong data to the service. Per the docs the service only requires the name of the camera, not the entitiy_id which is what you’re sending. Specifically, this is the name of the camera you have set within the Blink app.
So, for it to work, you should be able to change this:
name: camera.blink_dining_room
To this:
name: Dining Room
Also, by the looks of it your blink.trigger_camera service should not be working either, since it requires the same data (the name of the camera in the blink app, not the entity name in home assistant).
Thanks @fronzbot - despite looking at the docs I missed that several times.
Judging from the amount of time I’d spent faffing around with it I knew it had to be something simple
@fronzbot - Need help validating why my script will not capture or update my images (still captures) from my blink.
I have 4 cameras… and I picked my workshop camera… named blink workshop (friendly name).
That error happens because blink.trigger_camera doesn’t take filename as part of its payload as per the docs. All that service does is tell the blink camera to take a picture, it doesn’t actually save anything locally (just updates the picture in the frontend, basically). Also note, you need to use the name of the blink camera you set in the Blink App itself, not the friendly name you set in home assistant.
To save the image locally, you need to call the camera.snapshot service - link to docs
So for you, this should work:
alias: Capture workshop camera
- service: blink.trigger_camera
name: "Workshop" # assuming this is the camera name in the Blink app
- delay: 00:00:05
- service: blink.blink_update
- service: camera.snapshot
entity_id: camera.blink_workshop # Obviously, use the actually entity_id here
filename: /config/captures/workshop.jpg
Note, that the 5s delay allows for the command to propagate to Blink’s servers and then the call to blink.blink_update forces a refresh of the local home assistant data. Both are needed here.
Did you whitelist the directory you’re trying to write to per the camera.snapshot docs?
Currently we cannot trigger the static image on HA to update when the camera binary sensor detects motion correct?
You can, it just will be delayed (so probably quite useless). There can be as much as a 5 minute delay between blink detecting motion and that state to be updated in the frontend.
Hi all,
Dumb question. Where do I put the following?
- id: save_blink_video_on_motion
alias: Save Blink Video on Motion
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.blink_my_camera_motion_detected
to: 'on'
service: blink.save_video
name: "My Camera"
filename: "/tmp/videos/blink_video_{{ now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') }}.mp4"
The blink camera is armed, and I get motion detection notifications on my phone. But the entity binary_sensor.blink_carport_motion_detected is never changed to “on”. So it shows no detection in HA and I cant fire my script to update the UI image. Is this normal?
Also the image is never updated automatically in the UI , even if I set the scan interval to 10 seconds
Is it possible to get a live image, when the camera is powered via usb?
Is it possible to get a live image when I click on the camera image in the UI even with batterie?
Ok I think its the same error reported here:
region: Europe
region_id: prde