Block nabucasa

Iam interested to know what domain names HA uses in the nabucasa access. I want to block my HA server from reacing nabucasa cloud services and all their services.

Remove cloud: from your configuration.yaml file and it won’t ever attempt to.

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I think that is part of default so you need to remove default_config and include the parts you want.

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I read that before posting and missed it because I was looking four “Cloud” not “Home Assistant Cloud”

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There is no cloud configuration. In the statuspage of HA you can see that HA is checking if nabucasa serives are available even when not in use.

I want to block this communication at firewall level, making a outbound rule in my router. In order to do this i want to know what domains HA is using for each of this services.

Maybe point me tonthe right place in the code so i can see how nabucasa is implemented in HA, removing this code is also a option if blocking it is difficult.

On a clean install HA uses default_configuration which INCLUDES the cloud install. The link i posted earlier in this thred shows what is enabled with default_config.

Unless you deleted default_config cloud is loaded. I complained about that over 2 years ago (different user account here then).

I still want to block nabucasa access at lowlevel in the firewall.

I will look into default config. Removing that would probably cause other problems.

Only if you do not add back the config items from my link. Been there, done that.

It’s the system health integration

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Looking at the code aws is used, its hard to block that crap. I think the better option is to redirect those urls in my local dns resolver used to a local service emulating access to the cloud.

I think to be successfully here i need to do multiple attempts, by firewall, dns redirection and eliminating default config