Blocked from execution

I’m seeing this message whenever I try installing an addon.

Also I noticed the time is wrong, it’s 16:27 and it was 19:27

system is not healthy.

Yes so sad :frowning:

what ha version?

In System Info there will be a link to the docs to diagnose why it is unhealthy. In fact click here Open your Home Assistant instance and show your repairs.

Looking at your other thread you have already fiddled your system to near-death. I would do a complete re-install to get a clean system to continue with. You have now learned about the correct onboarding and as long as you don’t do any sideloads you should get a “healthy” system.

Thank you for the reply when I click this link it says there no repair to be done.
The HAOS version is 8.4; Home Assistant Core 2022.8.1; Supervisor: 2022.07.0 (says Healthy: false on info)

Yeah but there is this problem: I can’t install the Supervisor without changing the date. But I’m guessing it’s changing only in that instance and the Supervisor is still checking for the wrong time zone.
As you can see the log says the event occured at 16:27 but it was 19:27 my time.
But the time zone is right in the profile page it shows (GMT -2 America/Sao_Paulo) (I tried changint to -3 as well did not work)
So even if I make a clean install I will need to do the same steps and it will end up in a system not healthy :frowning:

I wonder what is wrong because I even installed a Raspberry PI OS into another SD Card, booted it and checked the date and it’s right in there, but when I boot up HAOS and I check for the date, it says some date in the past like “Fri Mar 11 07:41 UTC 2022”

Click on the overflow menu and choose System Info.