Blockly scripts

Dear Home Assistant users,

I am leaving the Domoticz platform because HA has more compatiblity and features incorporated.
There is one thing I am really missing, that are the Blockly scripts.
Within 10 seconds I could fetch functions, procedures, conditions, and puzzle them both together in one simple program (visualized).
For example (pseudo code): if sun sets, then active motion sensor, include lightbulb (that’s it!).
Easy peasy (no coding what’s so ever, no scripting errors and so on).

In HA this isn’t not so intuitive. Even better, I know people that stick to Domoticz only for the Blockly functionality. Is this something worth considering?

For the rest → Great platform (HA)! :slight_smile: Very happy with it.

Node Red is probably what you’re looking for.

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Can you explain what that pseudo code does? It’s not written as a grammatically correct sentence so it’s unclear what it attempts to accomplish when the sun sets.

Hi Taras,
That is exactly the purpose of pseudo code.
**Pseudo code: is a plain language description of the steps in an algorithm or another system. So it doesn’t really do a thing, it is more about telling someone what you are trying to achieve in laymans terms. :slight_smile:

Hi Tinkerer,

This is exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you very much! :slight_smile: :+1:

Except the example isn’t “plain”, at least not in the English language. The word “active” isn’t a verb and “include” implies adding a light to something (to what exactly isn’t clear). It fails to explain its purpose.

The example has failed to do that.

Is the goal to turn on a light at sunset or to turn it on when motion is detected after sunset or something else? Either scenario is trivial to achieve with the Automation Editor (no “coding” required).

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