Blokada 5 sometimes blocks home assistant on mobile

I have been using it for years and it’s very random. Sometimes when it is turned on, home Assistant would not work. And other times it is completely fine. When I look at the logs, my internal URL for assistant is not being blocked so there is nothing I can unblock.

What’s s more IM blocked both using the companion FM using the mobile Chrome browser.

Any ideas?

I never used blokada and only know about it because of negative feedback and the fact it was kicked out of F-Droid. As you use the last open source version (5) while the devs already moved on selling arguable cloud based blocking with version 6 I don’t really expect (m)any more bug fixes for version 5 (last release from may). :man_shrugging:

Long story short: Switch to another app which is more reliable and actively maintained? Or you might just be happy setting a private dns in your phone which includes ad/track-blocking like or :bulb:

I tried setting a private dns to but it stops my HA too.
I use a custom domain name for my HA server, is that the issue?

Is it a “public” domain?

Yes it is. But I also have a pihole on my wifi to deal with it.
Maybe that’s the issue? I need to use pihole on wifi and one of these when on mobile data? How would I do that?